Inside docker
- Docker images
Read only templates. eg: Ubuntu with Apache and MySQL installed, Linux with Redis, etc
- Docker containers
- A running instance of an image.
- Can run multiple containers from same image, completely isolated from eachother.
- Docker registry
- Pull and push, online repository for private and public containers.
- Use docker hub or install privately.
New Stack Iteration 2
- A ruby 2.1.1 image bibstha/docker-ruby-2.1
- Use existing docker image for redis.
- Separate projects, individual Dockerfile for Sinatra app and Sidekiq app.
- Uses ruby 2.1.1 image (no compiling ruby each time)
- Remove Supervisord
- Faster deploy
- Docker takes care of the processes
- Frontend keeps on working even when crawler container is removed
What next?
- Unified logging,
- Supervisord on host machine
(start docker processes on restart)
- Deis or Dokku for
heroku style app deployment
BY Bibek Shrestha